
  • Wrath James White Epub
    카테고리 없음 2020. 3. 18. 20:37

    Delve into the tantalizing works of Wrath James White with this thrilling romp through 15 of his most disturbing stories. Devilishly thought-provoking, this collection explores some of the darkest aspects of humanity. Travel with the downtrodden and the disillusioned through personal hells of their own making, populated by terrifying monsters and skulking demons. Not for Delve into the tantalizing works of Wrath James White with this thrilling romp through 15 of his most disturbing stories.

    1. Wrath James White Epub Books
    2. Wrath James White Epub Book

    Devilishly thought-provoking, this collection explores some of the darkest aspects of humanity. Travel with the downtrodden and the disillusioned through personal hells of their own making, populated by terrifying monsters and skulking demons. Not for the feint of heart, this collection is a wild ride. Wrath James White is one of the virtuosos of hardcore horror, and this collection further proves his proficiency with the genre. These stories, though varied in quality, are messed-up enough to make even the most hardened horror readers squirm.Most of the fifteen tales collected here combine the macabre sense of justice of Tales from the Crypt with the sexual violence of the Verotika comics.

    The collection is underscored by a theme of blasphemy, with most of the tales offering a twisted Wrath James White is one of the virtuosos of hardcore horror, and this collection further proves his proficiency with the genre. These stories, though varied in quality, are messed-up enough to make even the most hardened horror readers squirm.Most of the fifteen tales collected here combine the macabre sense of justice of Tales from the Crypt with the sexual violence of the Verotika comics. The collection is underscored by a theme of blasphemy, with most of the tales offering a twisted interpretation of popular religious and philosophical ideas. Some of the highlights include:More Maggots: a solid little slice of body horror involving a flesh eating disease and maggot treatment. This one works because it manages to be shocking and disturbing without the brutal sexual violence of the other stories.Awake: a murderer’s disillusionment with reality takes on substance, allowing him to shape the world to his will. This one is horrifying in its implications.The Myth of Sisyphus: a claustrophobic portrayal of cyclical punishment.The Book of a Thousand Sins: The titular novella uses Wrath’s entire toolbox of perversions to tell the story of a dominatrix bored with her professional. She finds hope in a grimoire filled with the most depraved sexual acts imaginable.

    According to legend, if she is able to perform them all she will earn a place in hell as one of its torturers. This one is ultimately a demented, supernatural love story, with a porno version of the Necronomicon.A Friend in Need: A story about werewolves in the ghetto that proves (like most stories in this collection, actually) that humankind is far more perverse and terrifying than any supernatural monster.

    This one is probably the most “entertaining” in the collection because, honestly, it’s hard to say that reading the others was an “enjoyable” experience. These stories are like a cold glass of water to the face, but that’s the point.I liked the direction Wrath took with these stories, especially the ones I mentioned above. The collection as a whole, though, was a little uneven for my tastes and there were a few distracting grammatical and typographical errors.

    But, if you’re a fan of hardcore horror, it’s worth picking up. This collection answers the question: how far can horror go? And if you’re interested in finding out, then give it a shot. Let me first stress that unless you are somewhat used to the more hardcore horror writers out there then Wrath is definitely going to scar you. What fills these pages are 15 of the most nihilistic, thought provoking, depraved, gory and deviant srories you're ever likely to find.Some of the standout stories you'll find are as follows:Don't Scream- The is probably one of the sickest, insane stories you'll ever find. A man kills his prudish wife, only to have a sex crazed, sadomasochistic zombie Let me first stress that unless you are somewhat used to the more hardcore horror writers out there then Wrath is definitely going to scar you. What fills these pages are 15 of the most nihilistic, thought provoking, depraved, gory and deviant srories you're ever likely to find.Some of the standout stories you'll find are as follows:Don't Scream- The is probably one of the sickest, insane stories you'll ever find.

    A man kills his prudish wife, only to have a sex crazed, sadomasochistic zombie from Hell return!The Myth Of Sisyphus- This has to be one of the most cruel ways to be trapped I've ever read, will Todd escape from his waterlogged fate??? Definitely makes you think at the end.The Sooner They Learn- An insane man makes it his mission in life to teach kids some very deadly lessons, some extreme depravity follows.Fly- A killer that likes to throw victims from high places might have met his match!The Book Of A Thousand Sins- Here is without a doubt one of the most evil and depraved stories I've ever read!

    Anja is a dom that has grown bored with her profession in general and sex in particular, nothing excites this hardened woman till one day one of her slaves brings her a very special book. What follows in hardcore horror at it's finest, you will literally have to pick your jaw off the floor after reading certain passages, don't say I didn't warn you!!!As the blurb from Edward Lee states,Wrath James White is without a doubt the premiere author of hardcore horror. Do yourself a favor and check his amazing work out!!!

    Wrath James White is a bad dude. That's clear right away when you meet him. He's tall, with a boxer's build and a subtle but clear command of any room he enters.

    That's probably natural, since he's a champion kickboxer and a personal trainer for some of the heavy hitters in the mixed martial arts world. Under that tough exterior, Wrath is an interesting paradox. On one hand, his stories dig deep into the horrid and grotesque extremes of the human mind. On the other, they're often based on ideas Wrath James White is a bad dude. That's clear right away when you meet him. He's tall, with a boxer's build and a subtle but clear command of any room he enters. That's probably natural, since he's a champion kickboxer and a personal trainer for some of the heavy hitters in the mixed martial arts world.

    Under that tough exterior, Wrath is an interesting paradox. On one hand, his stories dig deep into the horrid and grotesque extremes of the human mind. On the other, they're often based on ideas culled right from the classics of literature and philosophy.For instance, his story 'Munchausen's by Proxy' is centered around the idea that the Old Testament God is suffering from this malady. In psychological terms, Munchausen's is a syndrome in which care givers and first responders create scenarios that put people in grave danger, so that they may be saved and thus become 'heroes'.

    His stories are rife with these high-brow thoughts, yet generally descend into the depths of depravity.If you can stomach visceral, 'extreme' horror, wherein people are eaten alive and otherwise mutilated and debased, Wrath's stories can be a fascinating journey. Not perfect, they are yet fascinating and an worthy read.If the last really wild horror you read was say, early Clive Barker, this will be a step further than you've gone before. I am sorry to throw-off White's rating average with my two stars. I suspect that those who come to his work already know what they're in for, and almost all (I've noticed here and elsewhere) are very happy with what they find. I grabbed a copy of this book after receiving a publisher's call for submissions 'in the style of Wrath James White.'

    I had never heard of him-something which always bothers me. Ha I knew that it would be visceral, hard stuff, so I expected that much-and that aspect of I am sorry to throw-off White's rating average with my two stars.

    I suspect that those who come to his work already know what they're in for, and almost all (I've noticed here and elsewhere) are very happy with what they find. I grabbed a copy of this book after receiving a publisher's call for submissions 'in the style of Wrath James White.' I had never heard of him-something which always bothers me. Ha I knew that it would be visceral, hard stuff, so I expected that much-and that aspect of it didn't bother me at all. It's fairly well-written, creative, and interesting for what it is. It's simply not my cup of tea.

    I found that much of it seemed crafted in such a way as to 'shock.' I like content similar to this in my movie selections occasionally and enjoy how Barker often presents something somewhat like it in his work (although in a less 'centralized' fashion); however, this collection did nothing for me. I don't want to discourage anyone from reading White, though.

    I suspect my response is purely a matter of taste rather than substance. These are all tales of dark eroticism, strange violence, the hypocrisies of religious faith, and the horrors of life in an empty cosmos. Although repetitive, White's passion gives them such narrative drive and intensity that they are never dull. His fierce indignation at our predicament suggests a strong moral foundation underneath all the sadism and gore; unlike some other writers of 'extreme horror', White is not a mere sensationalist or pornographer. 'Munchausen by Proxy' is my pick of these These are all tales of dark eroticism, strange violence, the hypocrisies of religious faith, and the horrors of life in an empty cosmos. Although repetitive, White's passion gives them such narrative drive and intensity that they are never dull. His fierce indignation at our predicament suggests a strong moral foundation underneath all the sadism and gore; unlike some other writers of 'extreme horror', White is not a mere sensationalist or pornographer.

    'Munchausen by Proxy' is my pick of these intelligent exercises in blasphemy. Incidentally, the, um, striking cover has nothing to do with the contents of the book, although it accurately reflects the helplessness and pain of White's protagonists. The story in here titled 'Couch Potato' was what first got me hooked on Wrath's work.

    I'd met him at the World Horror Convention in 2005 (New York City) and had a great conversation with him. He was deep, highly intelligent, and frightening in his description of current projects.Then I sat in to hear him read the above-mentioned short story and was completely blown away.

    In this book especially, Wrath manages to horrify and disturb you with incredible imagery, but at the same time makes you The story in here titled 'Couch Potato' was what first got me hooked on Wrath's work. I'd met him at the World Horror Convention in 2005 (New York City) and had a great conversation with him. He was deep, highly intelligent, and frightening in his description of current projects.Then I sat in to hear him read the above-mentioned short story and was completely blown away.

    In this book especially, Wrath manages to horrify and disturb you with incredible imagery, but at the same time makes you think. He mixes gore with philosophy flawlessly. Where else would you find a tale of discovering God through a withered-up prostitute? A disturbing journey into the hellish depths of true human depravity, the words coming together like a cat o nine tails across your brain leaving the reader scarred emotionally.You enter into an unknown house of freaks and debauchery to be trapped by the unimaginable evil that runs this sideshow from hell. This book made me sad that it was such a quick read for me, I devoured it in an hour and than re-read it to really appreciate the twisted world it had served to me.

    Still one of my favorite A disturbing journey into the hellish depths of true human depravity, the words coming together like a cat o nine tails across your brain leaving the reader scarred emotionally.You enter into an unknown house of freaks and debauchery to be trapped by the unimaginable evil that runs this sideshow from hell. This book made me sad that it was such a quick read for me, I devoured it in an hour and than re-read it to really appreciate the twisted world it had served to me. Still one of my favorite books Wrath has published, Not recommended for the innocent or easily offended.

    This book served as my introduction to Wrath James White’s work, and I want to begin by saying that White delivered exactly what I wanted; I’ve heard a lot about this man’s work, and this lived up to the expectations and hype.I think the best way to review this book is to analyze what other reviewers have discussed. First, I want to tackle the idea that the stories are nihilistic/hopeless.

    I think perhaps if you read the back of the book, there’s a huge caption that tells you exactly what you’ This book served as my introduction to Wrath James White’s work, and I want to begin by saying that White delivered exactly what I wanted; I’ve heard a lot about this man’s work, and this lived up to the expectations and hype.I think the best way to review this book is to analyze what other reviewers have discussed. First, I want to tackle the idea that the stories are nihilistic/hopeless.

    I think perhaps if you read the back of the book, there’s a huge caption that tells you exactly what you’re in for. As a reader, I did not expect a glimmer of hope or light in the darkness. Indeed, many of the stories have the same themes, but I argue that most horror novels, especially those written by the popular writers, all share similar themes and are rarely divergent. If you’re a fan of hardcore horror, this is what you want to read Wrath James White.One reviewer complained that Wrath James White does not use a varied vocabulary.

    As a writer, I have discovered that you can’t please everyone, and I would also argue that the majority of readers might not understand some of the words Wrath James White uses. I’m not going to suggest that Wrath James White is poetic, but I will insist that his work is hardly simple, and a variety of the words present are words you would never see in a Stephen King novel (but you would see them in a Clive Barker novel). If you’re a fan of Edward Lee’s work, Wrath James White offers something a bit different in the hardcore-horror genre; why would you want to read the same thing anyway?In any collection, there will be standouts. I personally enjoyed “Resurrection Day” in addition to the titular short story. I squirmed a bit while reading “The Book of a Thousand Sins.” One story that will stay with me forever is “The Never Learn.” As a parent, I can say the impressions and overall emotions I felt while reading that story are something deep and dreadful, something sacred and profane. This is the kind of story most famous authors would be afraid to publish (the entire collection notwithstanding).Wrath does not hold back. These stories are just as brutal as the title suggests; there is no “ray of hope,” and there is a sense of doom and gloom.

    I disagree that all of the characters are “musuclar, well-endowed black men”, because the majority of the characters aren’t muscular at all, and I never had the impression that all the characters had the propensity to pick up women. I mention this because it seems as if some of the reviews for this book don’t make any sense, as if someone bought a different book than the one I read. Wrath James White does not ask for you to “agree” with his stories, but there is a dark philosophy here, and he acknowledges the psychological development of these characters and “how” they became the monstrosities that they are.This collection is only for fans of the genre. It’s obscene and daring, thought-provoking and disgusting. A brutally honest work; there are terrifying people in our world who commit actions that are just as atrocious as the ones mentioned here. I always feel odd giving bad reviews on fiction, even when I emphatically think a book is not good. It is one thing for me to pull apart non-fiction books on conspiracy theory and new-age nonsense that asserts the soul of Einstein is on the planet Marduk.

    It is another to find fault in fiction because all fiction comes from a place of inner experience and not to like fiction is, in a sense, finding fault with the author him or herself, even if that is probably not the best way to look at things. I always feel odd giving bad reviews on fiction, even when I emphatically think a book is not good. It is one thing for me to pull apart non-fiction books on conspiracy theory and new-age nonsense that asserts the soul of Einstein is on the planet Marduk.

    Wrath James White Epub

    It is another to find fault in fiction because all fiction comes from a place of inner experience and not to like fiction is, in a sense, finding fault with the author him or herself, even if that is probably not the best way to look at things.There were three overarching problems I had with The Book of a Thousand Sins, and they are:1) The stories all had a common theme, not unexpected to be sure, but themes that became a bit repetitive and seemed unoriginal once you had a couple of stories under your belt. The themes are that there is no God and life is suffering and pain, or that there is a God and/or Hell, both are out to get you and life is suffering and pain. In one story, White’s riff on these themes was amazing, and I will get to that in a moment, but overall, the approach at times seemed heavy-handed and repetitive.2) There is a passivity in reading White that is alienating. Too much of the plot in some of the stories comes from dialogue, or in some cases, monologue. I am not one to tell anyone to show and not tell, because it is a cheap criticism, all too often used when people just don’t like a book and need something to base that dislike on. This was not the case with White’s stories, when much of the plot came from dialogue. This was especially difficult because when White writes in a realm of action, his prose is quite good.3) When you combine White’s tendency to tell the story via dialogue with White’s themes, you can also end up feeling preached at, an uncomfortable feeling when reading.

    I often found myself mentally blipping over large chunks of the dialogue when this preachy sense crept up on me. There is a didactic nature to some of the speeches that makes White’s exciting concepts boring.Read the whole review. Wrath James White is known for his outrageously graphic, over-the-top, violent sexual imagery.

    So, yes, this collection has that, but it has much more as well. He delves into religion, spirituality, psychology, and other planes of existence. A lot of thought went into this work and it really showcases his talent not just to shock his audience, but as a great writer with something to say.My favorites include 'He Who Increases Knowledge', 'The Sooner They Learn', 'The Myth of Sisyphus', and 'No Wrath James White is known for his outrageously graphic, over-the-top, violent sexual imagery. So, yes, this collection has that, but it has much more as well. He delves into religion, spirituality, psychology, and other planes of existence. A lot of thought went into this work and it really showcases his talent not just to shock his audience, but as a great writer with something to say.My favorites include 'He Who Increases Knowledge', 'The Sooner They Learn', 'The Myth of Sisyphus', and 'No Questions Unanswered'. The main story, 'The Book of a Thousand Sins', is novella length and very strong as well - Wrath's fans will certainly get their money's worth.Finally, as much as I enjoy seeing small press publishers do well, I was very suprised to see this edition by Two Backed Books have so many spelling errors.

    For a company only a year old, you would think they would try extra hard to present a perfect product, error free. I mean, come on, the book isn't even 200 pages guys. Still, I definitely recommend this collection to those that enjoy a walk on the darkest side of humanity.

    Wrath james white books

    This review has been hidden because it contains spoilers. To view it,Wrath James White has a sick imagination and the guy knows it. Better yet: he exposes it to us.But don't think that hardcore horror is the only thing this book has to offer. White writes with lots of skill and crafts poetical passages that make sure his stories are brought to a higher level. Granted, there is a story or three in here that didn't do me much but that doesn't take away from the quality of the writing.But hardcore fans rejoice: the disgusting ghost-story 'Don't Scream', the Wrath James White has a sick imagination and the guy knows it. Better yet: he exposes it to us.But don't think that hardcore horror is the only thing this book has to offer.

    White writes with lots of skill and crafts poetical passages that make sure his stories are brought to a higher level. It isn’t hard to figure out what a Wrath James White book is all about, especially with the brutal covers Deadite, his new main publisher, puts on their books. This one, a collection of his short fiction, serves a different function than his novels, in my humble opinion. While I personally feel Wrath is at his best when he has a novel’s worth of space in which to develop his ideas, the fifteen stories in this collection are a great, and fun, diversion for those who enjoy the most graphic It isn’t hard to figure out what a Wrath James White book is all about, especially with the brutal covers Deadite, his new main publisher, puts on their books.

    This one, a collection of his short fiction, serves a different function than his novels, in my humble opinion. While I personally feel Wrath is at his best when he has a novel’s worth of space in which to develop his ideas, the fifteen stories in this collection are a great, and fun, diversion for those who enjoy the most graphic violence and sexuality you’re likely to find in a horror book. My favorites include ‘Don’tScream,’ about a woman who comes back to life far hornier than she’d left it; ‘A Dialogue Between a Priest and a Dying Man,’ about the vicious interrogation of a war criminal; and ‘Fly,’ about sex and balconies. The titular novelette near the end is a veritable tour de force of BDSM set against the backdrop of the raunchiest Satanic ritual one can possibly perform. Very nihilistic, very graphic, and often very perverted, but this did have some genuinely good stories in it. There is Don't Scream, where a murderer is punished when his victim (his wife) rises from the dead with an appetite for sex and human flesh, A Dialog Between A Priest and a Dying man, in which a priest (who just happens to be an atheist) gives an Islamic terrorist who killed his nephew a gory 'communion', The Sooner They Learn, where a maniac sets himself up as the ultimate punisher of Very nihilistic, very graphic, and often very perverted, but this did have some genuinely good stories in it.

    Disturbing, to the point that I occasionally felt that he was in the mind of gore for gore's sake. There were a few times- certain passages- that I had to stop reading completely, close the book, and shake my head to clear the visual from my mind. Then go back into the story.Militant nihilistic atheist themes throughout, which is unsurprising giving the stance of the author (hell, even a PRIEST is an atheist in one story!) I hate to say it, but a book like this might be part of the problem Disturbing, to the point that I occasionally felt that he was in the mind of gore for gore's sake. There were a few times- certain passages- that I had to stop reading completely, close the book, and shake my head to clear the visual from my mind.

    Then go back into the story.Militant nihilistic atheist themes throughout, which is unsurprising giving the stance of the author (hell, even a PRIEST is an atheist in one story!) I hate to say it, but a book like this might be part of the problem that gives Atheism such a bad name in the mainstream.Even aside from that, though, I still cannot deny that I enjoyed this book. Delightfully wicked and dark, and the parts that are meant to be are sexy as hell.

    Wrath James White Epub Books

    Wrath James WhiteWRATH JAMES WHITE is a former World Class Heavyweight Kickboxer, a professional Kickboxing and Mixed Martial Arts trainer, distance runner, performance artist, and former street brawler, who is now known for creating some of the most disturbing works of fiction in print.Wrath’s two most recent novels are THE RESURRECTIONIST and YACCUB’S CURSE. He is also the author of SUCCULENT PREY, EVERYONE DIES FAMOUS IN A SMALL TOWN, THE BOOK OF A THOUSAND SINS, HIS PAIN and POPULATION ZERO. He is the coauthor of TERATOLOGIST cowritten with the king of extreme horror, Edward Lee, ORGY OF SOULS cowritten with Maurice Broaddus, HERO cowritten with J.F. Gonzalez, and POISONING EROS cowritten with Monica J. O’Rourke.Wrath lives and works in Austin, Texas with his two daughters, Isis and Nala, his son Sultan and his wife Christie.BOOKS BY WRATH JAMES WHITE FROM DEADITE PRESSPRAISE FOR WRATH JAMES WHITE“Wrath James White is the premiere author of hard-core horror.

    Wrath James White Epub Book

    Period.” -Edward Lee, author of GOLEMESQUE, CITY INFERNAL and INFERNAL ANGEL“If Wrath doesn’t make you cringe, then you must be riding in the wrong end of a hearse.” – Jack Ketchum, author of THE GIRL NEXT DOOR, RED, and OFF SEASON“Wrath is a warrior. He comes at you on the written page with the intent to overpower you, yet he rarely overwhelms. This carnage has purpose. Wrath is a philosopher, and he loves to flaunt his technique and sense of limitless ethics in each of his tales. He has wit and intelligence and utter ruthlessness.” – CEMETERY DANCE“Without apologies, White tears through your emotions from sympathy to hate, humor to shock, blending everyday language and poetic imagery as his words wrap around your mind and cause you to pause and appreciate them.” – HorrorWeb.

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